Shalimar Pointe
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Entrance Gate


The gate is normally closed during night time hours and only residents can operate the inbound side of the gate. At night, residents have to open the gate for guests and visitors.

There are two principle methods for residents to gain access to Shalimar Pointe when the gate is operational:
1.   Access Control Panel
The access control panel is located about 30 feet from the guard shack. When residents enter their assigned 4 digit code number on the key pad, (preceded by the # sign), the gate will open. The gate will remain open until the vehicle passes through the gate.  When inputting your access code, do not pause between the # sign and your next number.
2.   Entry Transmitter
A small transmitter can be used to open the gate. The receiver for the transmitter is located in the access control panel. and activating the transmitter in the area of the panel will open the gate. In most cases the residents’ vehicle will not have to stop before the gate opens.  The transmitter operates just like a garage door opener.

When residents need to open the gate for guests, visitors, or for deliveries, it can be done over the telephone since the access control panel is connected to the telephone system and will dial your number.
     1.   The access control panel displays a list of all current residents.  When a visitor scrolls to the name of the resident to be visited and presses the call button, the resident and visitor can communicate over the telephone. The resident's telephone number is never revealed to the visitor. After identifying the visitor, the resident opens the gate by pressing the number 9 on his/her telephone. After the number 9 is pressed the line will hang up. If you do not want your name to be displayed on the entry control panel, please notify your security manager. Your transmitter will still operate even if your name does not appear on the listing.
   2.   For special situation where residents are expecting numerous guests that will be arriving over an extended period of time in the evening, the association's gate coordinator can assign a temporary access code number. The resident can give the temporary code number to the invited guests prior to their arrival. Your guests can use this number to open the gate using the access control panel without calling your home.  It is best not to give your guests your permanent code number as it compromises entry security. The temporary access number will be active only for your one time event.

Sensors embedded in the road surface control the exit gate. When a vehicle approaches the exit gate the gate will open without any action on the part of the vehicle operator. Since the sensors are located in close proximately to the gate, please drive slowly and with caution to allow the gate time to open fully before proceeding through it.

Safety is a major concern in the operation of the gate system. A number of sensors and interlocks are built into the system to improve its operation, but these are only backups for safe drivers.

It is in the best interest of all residents to maintain control and security of their assigned code number. A computer monitors the usage of code numbers to help detect code compromises and a video recording system provides 24 hour surveillance at the entrance.

Sheriff vehicles, fire, and EMT vehicles have special access codes and procedures for gaining entrance to the area when the gate is closed.

If you have any questions or need help with the gate operation, please contact a member of the Gate Security Committee.