Many of the pages on this web site such as Board meeting minutes, association financial reports and the membership directory are for members only and require a password to open. This prevents non SPOA members from accessing association financial data and viewing member’s personal information.
create a username and password to access the “Members Only” pages of the website.
1.Go to
2. On upper left corner of the home page - Click on “Register”
3. Fill in a minimum of your Name, Email Address, and Phone Number
4. Type in the Verification Code shown on the screen
5. Click on “Submit”
6. In about 24 hours you will receive an email message from SPOA acknowledging receipt and providing a Username and Password.
7. You can change your Password when you log on by selecting “Your Profile” and making the desired change
If you have a Password but
can’t remember what it was:
1. Click on
2. Click on
Forgot Password
3. Enter your “Username” or "Email Address".
4. You will receive an email message reminding you of your Password.
change your Username, Password, or
update your Profile:
1. Click on
Login and
Your Profile
2. Enter your desired “Username” and “Password”.
3. Click on
4. Update your name, address, email address, and other data.
5. Retype the “Verification Code”
6. Click
7. You will receive an email message containing your new Username and Password.